Sunday, November 1, 2009

On Halloween Eve....

Lil worm has been fighting a cold for over a week. Monkey boy had it, and then it was his turn. Well on Halloween Eve Lil worm was running a very low temperature of about 96.8 96.4 96.1 for over 2 hours. He also felt clammy and cold. He was not himself all day. Hardly eating and only taking short catnaps all day long. He only wanted to be held. I could not put him down at all. I called his Pediatrician who informed me that his cold had been going on long enough and she did not like his temperature so off to the Emergency Room we went. I called my Aunt to come over and stay at our house because Monkey Boy was sleeping at it was 11 pm. When she arrived my Husband and I left for the Emergency Room. When we got there Lil worms temp was normal he was running 98.1 so that was much better. I Bundled him up for the ride there and we had the heat Blasting in the car,so maybe that helped get his temp up. They checked his oxygen levels, they did a Chest X-Ray and Tested him for the Flu. The good news was that he passed everything and they told us that it's just has a bad cold. We got home at 4 am. Because of Lil worm's cold he is not sleeping at night. I let my Husband sleep until 9 am and then I napped from about 9 am til 1pm. I took Monkey boy Trick -Or-Treating and Daddy stayed home with Lil Worm. Monkey Boy had lots of fun. I wish we all could have done this as a family,but Lil worm needed to be at home. This is a Halloween I will never forget. I hope next years is Better!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh no fun being sick on Halloween. I hope that Lil worm is feeling better now. You do not get sick either. Here wishing you all better.