Friday, November 13, 2009

Can you get Kicked out of Preschool????

My son Monkey boy is having a real hard time in Preschool this year. Therefor I'm having a real hard time too. At Preschool pick up last Friday he was not in the classroom, but in the administrators office. He threw another one of his Monkey boy style tantrum. Apparently he wanted to be line leader. At my sons school you are only line leader for the day if you parent is the Helper for the day. Well his favorite girlfriend was the line leader and he wanted to "share" the spot with her. This is not allowed. Monkey boy ended up being the very last one in line, and when the began to walk down the hallway to go to the playground he tried to cut in line to get closer to his friend. The teacher grabbed his arm and "tried" to bring him back to his spot in line. This then prompted Monkey boy to fall to the ground. I do not need to explain what happened next, anyone with a Toddler or Preschooler knows. When I picked him up he was crying and the administrator told me that its hard for her to believe that this is coming from a 5 year old. She told me she has seen this with 3 & 4 year old's,but not with someone who is 5. I replied "well he just turned 5 last month". "Nothing excuses his behavior,but he just turned 5" I asked Monkey boy to say he was sorry for his actions, and I could not get him to talk. I apologised for him and we went on our way. Later that night I talked to her again on the phone. She told me that Maybe if I followed thru with my discipline he would start to behave better. "What?" "Excuse Me" Anyone who knows me knows that I follow thru. I was a bit offended by this comment. She then went into detail about how I could not get him to say Sorry . I explained to her that getting a UN heart felt apology from my son at that time was teaching him nothing in my opinion. I told her I did not push the apology from him because I felt like he had enough discipline for the incident. Having been in the office for 45 min and missing snack and recess. I then told her that this situation is not over in my book, we will be writing another letter of apology, and he will come back and say a hart felt apology the next school day. I also informed her that he has had a hard year thus far, a new baby, a new house, and we recently had to get rid of our dog of 8 years. I told her none of this makes his behavior appropriate, but he might be dealing with all this in this negative way. The thing that has me upset besides the obvious behavior issue is that he was in the office for nearly 45 min. Why wasn't I called? I feel as if I should have been called after the first 5 min if he was not calming down enough . I will let the Preschool Coordinator Lady know that if this is to ever happen again I want to be called right away, because I think sitting in a office for 45 min is too long for a 5 year old. I am wondering what the rest of this school year will bring. Boy this Parenting stuff is so much harder then I ever expected.


Amy said...

This is just wild. He is only five and he is just like any child. They want to be by his friend. A teacher who teaches young children should really care to their needs. He is so young and is still learning. I would have thrown myself on the floor if no one took the time to re explain why I could not be in the front. I would have let him know how cool it would have been to be the end and that he would see his friend soon. I learned that you are not suppose to force your child to say sorry. I have my little one say at times but if she does not I do not push it. I would have been so upset when this lady said this is behavior from a 3/4 yr old. Every child is different and at that age still learning and growing and can be emotional. I am so sorry this happen to you. I think 45 is way to long and they should have called you. I would just talk to your son and let him know the rules again about the line. Try not to get too upset and maybe take a break if he is feeling upset. I hope you have a great day...

Unknown said...

Sorry that happened. I'm sure it will all work out. :)

maryanne said...

The preschool's reaction to this seems strange to me... any chance you could move him into a different preschool that would be more patient with a barely 5yo for the new year? Or any chance you could schedule a meeting with the teacher and school director to come up with a better plan for dealing with situations like this?