Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mommy son Date Night!!

I have 3 Children and my oldest son is 6 years old. There is a 4 year difference between him and his Brother and Baby Girl is almost 4 months. I find that I am very busy with the little ones all day long and sometimes feel that I do not have time during the day to spend as much quality time with him as I would like. This is why we do "Date Night". I left the babies home with Daddy and took my Son Bumper Bowling with my Girlfriend and her Son. We had a Blast ate Pizza and spent some great quality one -on -one time together. We have done many things together on our "Dates". Movies, Ice cream&the park, Paint your own pottery are just some of our dates. I hope my oldest son realizes how Important he is to me and how Much these Date Nights are as much for Me as it is For Him!

1 comment:

Colton's Mommy said...

That is a great idea. I am sure as he gets older he appreicate that time with you even more.