Monday, May 3, 2010

17 Weeks

So i am currently 17 weeks pregnant with Baby#3. We have found out the sex with both of our Boys. It's Funny because before I actually became Pregnant I felt strongly that I would never find out the sex of a baby in utero. I believed that there are few good surprises in life,and this should be one of them. I never understood why people would find out. Then the day came when I was Pregnant with Monkey Boy , and the ultrasound lady asked me "Do you want to know the sex?" I said yes. I wanted to know. I wanted a Boy Nursery or a Girl Nursery. I felt like I would bond with the Baby inside of Better If I could name it before it came out. The Ultrasound Tech told us it was a Boy. Boy I was Surprised. I could have bet my life on the fact that Baby #1 was a Girl. Then when I was Pregnant with Baby #2 we found out that he was a Boy. Once again I thought he was a Girl. The Pregnancy's were so Different. I Never Threw up with Baby#1. I threw up with Baby #2. Now as we are getting closer to finding out the sex of Baby #3. Once again a totally different Pregnancy compared to the first 2. I feel like it's a Boy. I have been Nauseous every single Morning with this one and Threw up today. I Think it's a boy,because I feel that that is what we make. LOL . That is my only reason why I think it's a boy. Who Knows?? I know God Does. So did you find out the sex of your Baby(s). Were you right? Please Excuse the Picture. (I wanted to add one) Monkey Boy is in preschool & Lil Worm is only 1 he would eat the Camera:) I always forget it ask my Husband to take one when he gets home from work, because I am busy doing Mom things, you know,Dinner and Bath and Bed.


Dee said...

That is so exciting! I don't want to find out the sex if/when we have #3, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to hold out. :)

Colton's Mommy said...

Well I have only had one pregnancy and he was a boy. I never had any morning sickness at all. I did carry low though. I wanted to know as soon as I could what we were going to have and we all jumped for joy when she said "it is a boy!!". Truthfully though as long as it was healthy, I didn't care what it was!!!

Tegan | Celebrate Twelve13 said...

So exciting! We found out the sex. I don't like surprises. I was sick, sick, sick during the 1st trimester and half of the second. Just nausea, no vomiting though. And I carried high. He took up so much space in my stomach (and lungs) that I didn't even look pregnant until the very end. We didn't pick out a name until we met the little guy though.

You only have a couple of weeks left! Can't wait to see what #3 will be. :)

Unknown said...

Yay!!! Love belly pics. Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to find out what you are having!
I could never wait to find out. I'm too much of a planner.

natalee said...

Oh im sooo excited for you.. I think i am definitely the wrong person to give advice in this area.. i thought all 3 of my boys were girls.. i was so convinced #3 was i told my husband .."if its a girl i pick the name..and if its its a boy you do"..hence my youngest is named after my hubby william

Kim said...

How exciting! I bet you can't wait to find out.

We found out with our first and were so happy we did. We did decide to wait with the second, however. I had no idea the whole time until I was in the hospital about an hour away from delivery. I looked at my husband and said, "It is definitely a boy," and it was. So like you I have two boys now and can totally understand why you think you're just programmed to make boys(although I think we're lucky because boys are amazing!).

Sorry that was so long winded. I saw your comment on "I'm Living Proof..." and thought I'd stop by and visit!

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's Sherri from Cutie Poops and Bottoms - Congratulations! I didn't know you were expecting again. You will have to come by and visit us at the store again soon! Or take the pre-natal yoga class (as if you have time right?) We are also setting up a belly casting event!