Thursday, December 3, 2009


Monkey boy recently drew a picture of Him and I. I was so excited to have legs. This is the 1st picture he ever drew where I have arms and legs. He is on the left and I am on the Right. He drew a picture of his favorite Imaginary mouse next to him , and a Flower next to me. The big circles on the top of the page are clouds. I asked him " Where his Baby Brother was in the picture?" He told me" This Picture was when we were taking a walk ,and Lil worm was still in my belly." I Love this Photo , and I Love my Monkey Boy!!


Amy said...

How sweet...

Mandee said...

I love when they draw pictures like this! So cute! That's scrapbook worthy! :)

Lucco Girls said...

Awe - he remembers you taking him for a walk when you were that's really amazing. He must have felt so special that day. ;-)

Helene said...

Awwww, that is incredibly sweet!! Isn't it fun to see how their drawings progress as they become older? I finally graduated to having an actual body in the pics that Cole and Bella draw for me.

HeatherOz said...

I love the drawings with the legs coming right out of the head!

And I just wanted to let you know that I got most of my blog decorations at They have a lot of FREEBIES and some really great tutorials!