Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Is Sleeping Through The Night a Fable?

My Lil worm is not a good sleeper. Monkey boy was not a good sleeper. How I longed for a baby that would sleep. I prayed for it. I wished for it. I read every book on it,and I didn't get it. As most of you know we just moved into our house right before Thanksgiving , and then Lil Worm had the Flu. I figured that his lack of sleeping was because of the transition to the house and the Flu. Well the house is no longer new, and the Flu is over. Lil worm just turned 9 mo. Last night he was up 3 times. I didn't have to feed him,but I did have to rock and snuggle with him. I Treasure our snuggling time,but I would love for it to happen at noon and not 2 am. The 2 nights prior he did sleep through the night, but why can't this happen for like 7 Nights in a row? It's such a tease to have a 9 mo old sleep for 2 nights and on the 3 be up 3 times. I can't stand when people ask you the dreaded question"Is he a good sleeper?" "Does he sleep through the night?" I always respond "He Sleeps when he wants to sleep" uggg. One again I am just convinced that Sleeping through the night is A Fable . A story that sleep deprived Mommy's made-up long ago to cope with their lack of sleep.


Two Moms on a Mission said...

I totally get it. The Cisco Kid was not a good sleeper either. I was on a great feeding and nap time schedule. When it came to him sleeping through the night it was not happening. I started to experiment with his day time napping and I found out that shortening his nap by fifteen minutes and scheduling it one hour earlier was the key. By the time he was 18 months old he didn’t need to knap any more. He was just one of those types of children that didn’t require mega sleep.

Anonymous said...

You know how it was for me with Dorian. It took until he was 3 1/2 before he didn't wake up at night. :(

Tracey said...

My kiddos will sleep through the night for a few days in a row, and I will think "Yay!!!, We've done it!!!" And then there is last night, where Sophie was up at 2, Logan at 3, and everyone together at 4......

Amy said...

Oh I had the same problem in my house..

Helene said...

Okay, yeah, I know what you mean. It's almost crueler for them to sleep 2 nights in a row and then wake up a bunch of times the next 3 nights. It's almost better to just go without the sleep, it's like dangling a carrot in your face!

If you don't think he's hungry, maybe consider cutting back on his naps during the day. Is he still taking 2 naps? If so, maybe try to combine it into one nap around 12:30. Then by 6:00-6:30 pm, hopefully he'll be dead tired and sleep 12 hours straight for you at night.